A Cinderella Story-a classic fairy tale

Once upon a time ...there was an ugly building in Midland that had a lot of potential. This building was quite forlorn, until a fairy god mother Tabetha saw the building and decided to transform it into a palace, so a lot of little Cinderella’s could come and visit and learn to dance.

But they needed help from a Prince Charming, which is quite rare and hard to find.

After gallantly looking everywhere they stumbled on Geoff Stevenson, who whilst no longer a younger man or a Prince was still very charming.

Stevenson Flooring decided to donate $ 28,000 worth of flooring materials such as carpet tiles, vinyl and stair nosing’s to the Fairy Godmothers.

Every time the little Cinderella’s attended the dance they became more and more excited as the forlorn building became a grand palace.

In loving memory of Geoff Stevenson

With love Daphne and Geoff Stevenson - Stevenson Flooring


Why Stevenson Theatre?

Tabetha after a very hard life and many trials and tribulations decided to take a chance follow her dreams. She decided to embark on sharing her love for dance,music, culture and the arts with children and adults alike, so they decided to open a dance studio - Midland Dance Studios.  After a lot of investigation and searching they found a very run down, dirty, full of rubbish venue on Old Grt Northern Hwy and saw its potential...

Whilst working extremely hard hard all of her life Tab did not have the finances to put the finishing touches on the dance studios one being the floor coverings it was a dream come true to get it to the stage it was at - clean, painted and with mirrors. Then Tab made a phone call one day from the bedside of her little 8month old baby boys room in hospital while he was sleeping (he had been sick from birth with kidney problems) she spoke to Geoff Stevenson from Stevenson Flooring.

He said his company would help and donate the flooring and install it as well...Tab burst into tears of joy and called her Mum Fiona with the amazing news.

After her mother Fiona retiring in 2017, Tabetha has taken over the premises and business with exciting new events and shows planned for the future.

Personal Note

We both can not thank these two amazing people enough, it was not the gift of flooring but the gift of a dream to us and all the children and artists that will grace the space...

After all the love, sacrifice, hard work, belief, kindness to bring these studios and in the house boutique theatre to where it is today Tabetha and Fiona could not think if a more fitting regal and honorable name for our theatre

With the deepest of gratitude to two once strangers that changed our lives we so name this theatre